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Committed Window Installer in Santa Clara County & San Mateo County, CA

Anderson Window and Door Installation has been providing homeowners with exceptional windows for over 20 years. Our window installers in Santa Clara County & San Mateo County, CA are devoted to customer satisfaction and delivering the highest quality service. All our windows are sourced from top brands and carefully crafted. Our team works together to ensure jobs get done on time and correctly. You can depend on us to provide a window installation that gives you the view you want for years to come.

Contact Us

home office windows

Durable & Stylish Window Materials

Our window offerings are designed and created with a wide range of top-quality, long-lasting materials. We offer many style options that you can choose from to fulfill your desired aesthetic. Whether you prefer the rustic appearance of wood or the sleek, modern feel of aluminum, we have an option to fit your needs. We can guide you through our selection and explain each window material’s benefits, enabling you to make the right choice for your home. Our window materials include:

  • Wood
  • Vinyl
  • Aluminum
  • Fiberglass
  • Composite

Choose Your Perfect Window Style

We give homeowners many window-style options to choose from, including:

Single & Double-Hung

These classic-style windows slide vertically and have an upper and lower sash.


Picture windows offer sweeping, panoramic, and crystal-clear views of the outdoors.


Awning windows offer maximum opening and shutting convenience. They're perfect for basements and other difficult-to-reach areas.

Single & Double-Sliding

Slide your window glass seamlessly and smoothly with our single or double-sliding windows.

Bay & Bow

Bay and bow windows span widely across the wall, giving homeowners a full view.


Casement windows are an excellent choice if you want easy opening, shutting, and ventilation.

Special Shape

Our specialty shape windows are customized in many styles and aesthetics.

dining room windows

Three Prime Advantages of Our Windows

Homeowners throughout the area choose our windows because they are:

  • Energy Efficient: Our windows insulate and regulate cool and hot temperatures, saving homeowners significant amounts on their energy spending.
  • Strong: Built to withstand extreme temperatures and weather conditions, you can expect your window to protect your home and maintain a beautiful view for years.
  • Beautiful: Sleek and modern. Rustic and earthy. Functional and practical. Whatever your style preferences, we have an option to add beauty and aesthetics to your home.

Ready to Get a Perfect View?

At Anderson Window and Door Installation , we believe every homeowner deserves a terrific view. Whether you want to look out your backyard or want an overview of your street, we can provide an excellent view for you. We source our windows from leading brands including AndersenĀ® and MilgardĀ®. Their style possibilities are virtually endless, and you’re bound to find an option with a unique appearance you’ll love. We’ll gladly help you select a window with your preferred aesthetics and function.

Request a Free Estimate for Your Window & Door Needs