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Door & Window Installation in Santa Clara County &
San Mateo County, CA

Customer Satisfaction Is Our Mission

Anderson Window and Door Installation is a devoted provider of residential door and window installation that’s served Santa Clara County and San Mateo County and surrounding communities since 2000. We serve homeowners to their complete satisfaction by providing products made from the finest materials at affordable, fair prices. Every member of our team, from the office staff to our certified technicians, meets and exceeds the highest standards of service and excellence. Getting the job done right is among our primary goals, and we are only satisfied once our customers are. All our installations are backed by a full lifetime warranty, providing homeowners with outstanding quality and craftsmanship for years.

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How Can We Help?

Entry & Patio Doors
Our Brands


Outstanding Products From a Certified Dealer

We are certified dealers of world-class windows and door brands
including, Andersen®, Milgard® and Simpson® Door Company. Our certification demonstrates our years of proven experience with these products and providing design, replacement, and installation work. Our dealership status allows us to receive direct, continuous training from the manufacturers to enhance our skillsets and services. The brands we install create their products with wood, aluminum, vinyl, fiberglass, and other top-quality materials that make them exceptional. Our offerings are designed and customized with a wide range of colors, shapes, and layouts, so you’ll find a window or door that fulfills your unique aesthetic.

pool house sliding doors

Diamond Certified logo

CA Licensed & Diamond Certified

We build and maintain trust with our customers by continuously innovating our services and advancing our training. Since 1989, we’ve had a CA license #560601, which means we are fully licensed to perform window contracting in the state. We’ve earned the prestigious Diamond Certification, bestowed on us because of our proven professionalism and exceptional service to our customers. Every day, we show a continuous devotion to our customers and earn their loyalty. We provide our expertise in the window and door field to ensure their needs, wants, and goals are completely satisfied. We show unwavering commitment to every homeowner we serve.